Writing Your Values-Aligned About Page: a Step-by-Step Guide (PART THREE)

Two fingers point at a website refresh.

Welcome back! This is the third and final installment in writing a values-aligned about page for your business. Specifically, we’re diving into the power duo that wraps up your about page: offerings and calls to action.

In this blog post, we'll shine a light on these final elements, exploring why they're not just the conclusion but the launchpad for deeper engagement. So, without further ado, let’s figure out the best ways to invite your audience to take that pivotal next step in their journey with you!

Step #5: Craft a Purposeful Guide to Your Offerings

Within the landscape of your About page, the section dedicated to your offerings serves as a purposeful guide—a curated table of contents leading your audience to precisely where they want to go next with your work.

In the same vein as weaving the tapestry of your story, the goal here isn't just to showcase products or services but to address the core challenges your audience encounters. Start by asking a pivotal question: What are the top 2-4 avenues your readers may want to explore within your business ecosystem after reading your about page? This question becomes the guiding light shaping your offering section.

Questions to Guide Your Work:

🌟 What Core Solutions Define Your Brand? Reflect on the key offerings that shape your brand's identity. Were there specific services or products that emerged as solutions to your audience's most pressing problems?

🌟 How Do Your Offerings Resonate with Your Audience? Connect with the needs and desires of your audience. Where were they before engaging with your brand, and how do your offerings address the challenges they currently face?

🌟 What Insights Have Shaped Your Approach? Uncover the wisdom gained from offering your products or services. How have these insights equipped you to guide others towards solutions? Share the knowledge that positions you as a valuable and empathetic resource.

Actionable Tips for Crafting Your Offerings:

⚡ Clarity Creates Connection: Don't overwhelm your audience. Clearly present your top three services or products with concise blurbs, ensuring immediate understanding of their value.

⚡ Tailor to Audience Needs: Consider what resonates most with your audience. Whether it's top services, popular blog posts, bestselling products, or upcoming events, tailor your offerings to address their specific needs and interests.

⚡ Anticipate Their Next Step: Much like storytelling, create a seamless flow. Anticipate what your readers might be seeking next and guide them with well-placed buttons or links, facilitating a smooth journey through your offerings.

Keep in mind that the offerings section of your about page is meant to simplify readers’ navigation. Where do they want to go now that they’ve learned more about you, your work, your values? Craft this section with authenticity, clarity, and a genuine desire to provide solutions, creating a pathway that invites your readers to take meaningful action.

Step #6: Invite Engagement With a Call to Action

As we navigate the final stretch of your about page, the call to action emerges as the silent conductor, orchestrating the transition from reader to engaged participant. Beyond your primary offerings, this concluding element beckons your audience to take a definitive step, ideally culminating in an email subscription.

But before we delve into the intricacies of this pivotal moment, consider a foundational question: what action do you want your readers to take after absorbing your about page? This inquiry becomes the guiding principle as we explore the art of crafting a compelling call to action.

Questions to Guide Your Work:

🌙 What Is Your Ultimate Connection Goal? Reflect on the long-term connection you wish to establish. Is it fostering ongoing engagement through newsletters, exclusive content, or community updates?

🌙 How Can You Add Value Through Subscription? Consider the value proposition of your email subscription. What exclusive benefits or insights can subscribers anticipate that align with your brand's core offerings?

🌙 What Language Resonates with Your Audience? Connect with your readers through language. What words or phrases would resonate most with them, prompting them to take that crucial step towards subscribing?

Actionable Tips for Crafting Your Call to Action:

⚡ Clarity Is Key: Keep your call to action crystal clear. Clearly communicate what readers can expect from subscribing and why it's beneficial for them.

⚡ Highlight Exclusive Content: If applicable, emphasize the exclusivity of your email content. Whether it's sneak peeks, special promotions, or valuable insights, showcase what sets your subscription apart.

⚡ Carefully Create a Sense of Urgency: Encourage immediate action by introducing an element of urgency. Whether it's limited-time access or an exclusive offer for subscribers, instill an incentive for signing up now. Just remember—no fear-mongering, pressuring, or shaming with the urgency you build! We want your people to sign up because they’re excited to join your community.

Remember, the call to action isn’t just a button—it's an invitation, a bridge to ongoing engagement. Craft it with intention, using language that resonates with your audience and offering a clear value proposition. By doing so, you transform a mere conclusion into an opening, inviting your readers to not just learn about your brand but actively participate in its unfolding narrative.

There you have it—part THREE to writing a values-aligned about page!

I hope this series has been helpful to you as you build your website and craft your about page.

One final tip: from your value prop to your call to action, remember to keep your audience front of mind. They’re the reason you’re here, the people you’re meant to serve. Along the way, consider how you can center them at every stage of the about page copy.

Looking for help with copywriting, website building, or branding in the New Year?

Feel free to contact me here and we can chat more!


Living Your Values: A Guide for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs


Writing Your Values-Aligned About Page: a Step-by-Step Guide (PART TWO)